Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

1. Complete

2. Complete

3. Complete

4. I believe that I took my single trans formative photo earlier in the school year. I took it sometime in October, when I was still pondering over why I like photography and why it appealed to me. I was pretty much, mindlessly snapping shots of plants and metal structures around campus when I noticed raindrops on the bar. I decided to try to apply a rule of photography that we had just learned - depth of field. It was then that I took this photograph, and when i was going over it on the computer, I was amazed at how well it had turned out. By taking this photo, I had inadvertently found my purpose to take pictures - To beautify shots of small things and events that would be overlooked by the naked human eye. And that is why this is my trans formative photo of the year.

5. Shape is a broad word, but I see it as a word for a flat figure. A two-dimensional figure. Length and width are the main things that are expressed by a shape with form. Elements of Art - Shapes

Form is a real life description of objects, it represents full, three-dimensional objects that express length, width, and depth. Elements of Art - Form

6. Pattern is the term given when an object or symbol recurs throughout the photograph, creating a - pattern. Principles of design - Pattern

Repetition goes hand-in-hand with pattern, but is more spread out through the work of art, giving a "hey that object is in the photo 4 times" feeling to the viewer. (a repetitive feel) Principles of Design - Repetition

7. My Weebly About Page
    Nina Masic's About Page

8. First Commercial Shoot
Humans Of MSJ
Final Project - Trees & Skies
I feel that my final project was my best because i did not adhere to limitations I usually have to. I took these photos from around my neighborhood over a span of several days at different times of the day. This project made me appreciate nature much more than I already did because I felt completely immersed into what was surrounding me. I also had the most experience taking pictures and selecting which ones to use, as well as editing experience, during this project. During this project I had to look for the small details, making this project quite difficult at first, but by doing so, it changed my perspective on life.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Final Project - Nature

For my final project, I took pictures of trees and nature.

I took these pictures over a span of several days from various locations. All in all, I'm quite proud of my development as a photographer through this school year.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Reviews

Period 1 - Salik Himmati
This photo was posted as his best picture. I like the fact that it's a panorama of water and people.

Period 2 - Jason Chang
I like this photo because its a cool sport action shot of a dunk.

Period 3 - Jasmit Tamber
This photo is nicely lit and complex.

Period 4 - Lorenzo Hyer
I selected this digital art as his best because I really like the color scheme of this uniform. He has 9 variations and I like this one the best.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Project Request

For my final project, I want to take pictures of trees and water, so nature in general. I will use techniques that we've learned throughout the schoolyear.

These website gave me some ideas.

Nature Photographs
Nature Photo Mag
John Shaw

These photos inspire me especially

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5

Friday, May 8, 2015

First Commercial Shoot (Shoes)

This photo was the main inspiration for our shoot.We found this image at 

Photographer: Jasmit Tamber

Photographer: Mahad Belgaumi

Photographer: Jasmit Tamber

Photographer: Mahad Belgaumi

Photography: Jasmit Tamber

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Vibrance: +100
Saturation: +75
Blacks: -80

Clarity: -100
Vibrance: +100
Saturation: +100

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

MCW Photo Story

During Multicultural Week, I mostly went out. That means I went off campus during lunch. I took some pretty random pictures of my friends while they were eating and drinking various snacks and drinks. It also turned out that it was much cheaper to go out than to purchase the food offered here. That is true if you don't count the gas money of course. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Story with a Photo - Spring Break Hiking

Displaying IMG_20150403_133546.jpg

One day, on the first day of Spring Break 2k15, I went hiking. I went with my friend Yuvraj. Yuvraj is 6 feet and 6 inches tall. I went with him in his car to a neighborhood here in the Mission area. We climbed one hill and the view changed from a regular looking neighborhood to a view over Fremont and going out to the bay.The view was amazing! Unfortunately it was so sunny, the water was glared out of the pic.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Once upon a time, in a land 
NOT very far, far away
there was a school named MSJ
and in MSJ there was a special week
called MultiCultural Week
there was foods from around he world
to celebrate different heritages
lunch was made longer for the students 
clubs had their own stalls of food 
for all to eat and enjoy
Foods from all over Asia, India
even foods from Islands
so much food everywhere
I feel bad for my money 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

1) Fast because the photo was captured while the subject,the flipped truck, was stopped, there were other trucks still in fast motion.

2) Natural Framing, because the dark sky surrounds the picture. My second rule is Leading Lines because of the several lines that make the photo so interesting to look at.

3) My Element of Art is Line. there are many leading lines in the photo. there are lane markers, the barrier in the middle, and even the trucks themselves.

4) The Principle of Design I chose is Movement. This is because the trucks on the right side of the pic are still driving at relatively fast speeds.

My Partner is Yilong, or Gary

Cropped pic
Clarity: +20
Contrast: +50
Shutter Speed: (Fast) 1/1100

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday LENS Post - Variety

I believe that the Roof in the background gives the photo texture and lines in the picture. The man singing and the women on his sides provide symmetry. His clothes also give off texture and color to the photo.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Half Past Autumn Part 3 and 4

1.My definition of success is having a stable career, happy family.
2.I have given up time, resources, and my youth
3.Parks gave up relationships with his friends, wives and children.
4.Gloria's father was Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt, and he was a millionaire equestrian descended from the Vanderbilt railroad empire.
5.He was advised little by little by his boss
6.Parks was offered $500,000
7.He did not agree with Muhammad's principles and philosophies.
8.The Learning Tree, an American classic, was significant because Gordon Parks became 9.Hollywood's first major black director
10.Shaft was the first black superhero, he gave young children everywhere inspiration and a figure to look up to.
11.His choice of weapon was his camera.
12.She said that life with Gordon was too hectic, confused, and unpredictable.
13.Twelve Years a Slave tells the same story.
14.Gordon Parks, jr is Gordon Park's oldest son. He was also a director, best known for the film Super Fly. 
15.My favorite Gordon Parks photo is American Gothic, shot in Washington, D.C.

I will remember that he was a famous photographer who defied the rules of that time.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Contrast: 18
Highlights: -46
Shadows: -56
Whites: 13
Vibrance: -22

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Half Past Autumn Part 1

1. The doctor dunked him in ice water.
2. Born in Kansas
3. That very few Negroes went to college and he should stop trying.
4. 15 years old.
5. He moved to Minnesota
6. Gordon never wet to college or graduated high school. He received an honorary degree from Princeton.
7. He walked into a store and asked to photograph fashion. His fashion career was short.
8. Repeated exposure of photographic plate or film to light.
9. The husband of the woman who told Parks to go to Chicago.
10. Piano
11. An effort to combat rural poverty during the Great Depression.
12. To put his camera away, buy a coat from a nearby shop, go to a fancy restaurant, and finally go watch a movie at a cinema.
13. Ella Watson was the cleaning lady at the FSA office
14. Flemish renaissance art.
15. Learned not to take pictures that went against the state.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Favorite Photo From LENS Blog 2/25/15

Picture #5 Football Game
This picture is our favorite because the solitary eagle looks majestic. The photo uses rules of: Natural Framing, Depth of Field, and Symmetry. The sky, stadium lights and bench give natural framing. The clearness of the mascot and the blurriness of the football players and stands in the background give it depth of field. The mascot standing between the 2 stadium lights and football players on either side give a symmetrical feel to the picture.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Multimedia Festival Poster

1) This poster is good because we demonstrated our masking skills in Photoshop clearly with this poster.

2) This poster is better because this one looks much more professional and we demonstrated techniques specific to Photoshop.

3) We used masking to blend the pictures and used outer glow to give a glowing effect to the poster.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Photo League

1. The Photo League's credo was social change could be achieved through documenting photography and a connection with one's subject.

2. Separated from Worker's Camera League

3. The Photo League School

4. Sid Grossman and Sol Libsohn

5. Any project that you have a passion to do. Could be anything you want to do. Devoting a year of your life to a dream you've had all of your life and fulfilling that dream is priceless.

6. Pictures of Black urban America in the 1930s

7. Aaron Siskind

8.) "The children looked like they came out of a Caravaggio painting.

9.) The photo looked like it was painted by Caravaggio because the boy in the photograph was illuminated by the sunshine and looked special. Many of Caravaggio's works are dark but have the main focus of the painting very well lit.

10. Lewis Hine was a photographer who worked to end child labor and photographed American Red Cross relief efforts during World War 1.

11. Arthur Fellig, aka Weegee, was a photographer and photojournalist that was known for his sharp black and white street photography.

12. When the Nazis took power, the Photo League received talented photographers who had escaped from Europe.

13. Photo league members used cameras to support the war effort in America. Many female members of the League took over operations of the effort at home while many of the Photo League's men photographers went overseas with armed forces.

14. Aaron Siskind brought the concept of abstract expressionism to photography, different from the sociological realism from the Harlem document.

15. The Saturday Evening Post was a bimonthly American magazine that was published weekly. Most of the photographs used in the articles were taken by members of the Photo League.

16. Barbara Morgan was an American photographer famous for her depictions of modern dancers. She was a co-founder of the photo magazine, Aperture.

17. The League's connection to Communism and Soviets

18. The Soviet Union

19. Eugene Smith agreed to serve as President when the League was under investigation.

20. Disbanded in 1951

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Period 3 - Semester Final

1. My favorite photo is #5, the photo with the waves and the old lighthouse. I like this picture specifically because it is very colorful. I also like it because the rules of composition included in the photograph, combined, give it a very colorful and creative look out of an everyday situation. My third and final reason for liking this photo is because of its feel. The way the photo was captured from, you can see the sea spray washing up on the lighthouse and the rocks. These details make me feel like I am right there on the beach to experience this moment in real life.

2. I see photo #4 as being the best because of the rules of composition it displays. These rules are: Rule of Thirds, Space to Move, and Balance in the Photograph. It photo makes a situation as mundane as losing a hat seem so interesting and photogenic. Finally, I like it because of my love for airplanes, especially unique planes, such as the Air Force One.

3.I see my best work this semester in my very first blog post:
I see this as my best work because I selected this photo out of 28 other photos and 15 of this exact same subject, the bell tower. This photo also used a combination of Rules of Composition that would later become some of my favorite rules, without even knowing of the Rules. I chose this one because it displays my school pride, this bell tower is symbolic and represents  Mission San Jose High School exclusively.

4. My three rules are: Natural framing, Rule of Thirds, and Depth of Field.

This photo applies all three of my Rules of Composition: Natural framing, Rule of Thirds, and Depth of Field.

6. Your first Rule of Composition is the Rule of Thirds.

7. Benefits of working in a group:
     -You can ask your group for help
     -You can ask your group for advice
     -Knowing the people you are working with is beneficial
     -Being in a group can relieve some stress from an assignment
     -Being in a group can help with making difficult decisions

8. Difficulties of working in a group:
     -Group members can disagree
     -There may be conflicts
     -Sometimes you can get additional stress
     -Groups can sometimes influence you to make bad decisions
     -Disagreement can lead to conflict between friends

9. My favorite image taken by another person would be Gary Zeng's Portrait of Mr. Farley (with a box on his head):

10. Our master photographer was Clarence H. White. Clarence White was completely self-thought and was a founding member of the photo-secession movement. He also worked with more well-known photographers like Alfred Stieglitz.

11. Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother". Shot in Nipomo California. During February or March 1936. She was eployed by the Farm Security administration and and Resettlement Administration.

12. The creators of LIFE Magazine by John Ames Mitchell and Andrew Miller. It began publishing weekly on January 4th, 1883. They began publishing weeklies in 1978.

13. He founded Magnum Photos, and it started in Paris, 1947

14. Capa took the photo on September 5th, 1936 during the Spanish Civil War. Capa claimed he took the photo in the Spanish town of Cerro Muriano, but this is controversial.