Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

1. Complete

2. Complete

3. Complete

4. I believe that I took my single trans formative photo earlier in the school year. I took it sometime in October, when I was still pondering over why I like photography and why it appealed to me. I was pretty much, mindlessly snapping shots of plants and metal structures around campus when I noticed raindrops on the bar. I decided to try to apply a rule of photography that we had just learned - depth of field. It was then that I took this photograph, and when i was going over it on the computer, I was amazed at how well it had turned out. By taking this photo, I had inadvertently found my purpose to take pictures - To beautify shots of small things and events that would be overlooked by the naked human eye. And that is why this is my trans formative photo of the year.

5. Shape is a broad word, but I see it as a word for a flat figure. A two-dimensional figure. Length and width are the main things that are expressed by a shape with form. Elements of Art - Shapes

Form is a real life description of objects, it represents full, three-dimensional objects that express length, width, and depth. Elements of Art - Form

6. Pattern is the term given when an object or symbol recurs throughout the photograph, creating a - pattern. Principles of design - Pattern

Repetition goes hand-in-hand with pattern, but is more spread out through the work of art, giving a "hey that object is in the photo 4 times" feeling to the viewer. (a repetitive feel) Principles of Design - Repetition

7. My Weebly About Page
    Nina Masic's About Page

8. First Commercial Shoot
Humans Of MSJ
Final Project - Trees & Skies
I feel that my final project was my best because i did not adhere to limitations I usually have to. I took these photos from around my neighborhood over a span of several days at different times of the day. This project made me appreciate nature much more than I already did because I felt completely immersed into what was surrounding me. I also had the most experience taking pictures and selecting which ones to use, as well as editing experience, during this project. During this project I had to look for the small details, making this project quite difficult at first, but by doing so, it changed my perspective on life.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Final Project - Nature

For my final project, I took pictures of trees and nature.

I took these pictures over a span of several days from various locations. All in all, I'm quite proud of my development as a photographer through this school year.